Celebrated Arts/Community Outreach Leader & Award-Winning Researcher

Jesa Townsend is a servant leader— fund development and community relations senior executive. She is a celebrated artist, and a formidable researcher who has been contracted as a consultant for the last decade. A 2023 Success Magazine named 50 Women of Influence nominee [March 2024 trailblazers issue] and a 2023 L.A. Works Civic Leadership & Impact award nominee, her career is a testament to her unwavering commitment to making a positive impact through art, education, and community outreach. She has been mentored and employed by top names within the nonprofit space, most recently appointed as the Executive Director of Angles for Sight. Grab a snack and buckle up; let's embark on an avenue paved with fun and accomplishments. We'll focus on the latter.

Jesa has taught education levels- 3rd grade all the way to undergraduate as a professor. Two K12 school systems and one vocational. It is her passion for community building and social issues that naturally took her this route as she finished her master’s studies and began contracting with cities to install public works of art in support of arts advocacy. Soon thereafter, Jesa was invited to continuously collaborate with award-winning non-profits, start-ups, and school systems such as The Orange County School of the Arts due to creativity anchored development strategies. She is adept in utilizing philanthropic strategy, social policy, grant securement, and donor relations to effect tangible change as they relate to various initiatives.

Shifting back in years and into artistic gears, it was in 2012 that Jesa's skill of using a paintbrush to effect change was kindly recognized. Graciously, she received one of eight esteemed 'Hero and Heart' artist honors from the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation. Since then, she has partnered with over 32 cause-based organizations, leveraging her artistic skills to amplify fund development initiatives and further various social causes; the arts are the most underutilized communicative tool. Through private and public art commissions, she has become a catalyst for change in cities like Tempe, Jasper, Iowa City, Salem, Santa Ana, Henderson, and Los Angeles. She has also held solo exhibitions at the likes of The Conrad Chicago (Hilton Hotel), The Grand Wilmington opera house and more. Further, she has collaborated with outstanding organizations like the Arizona Science Center, Anaheim Garden Walk, St. Jude's Ranch for Children, Manor Hospice, and the National Charity League.

Educational institutions have also sought her expertise for arts and community outreach initiatives. It was due to Jesa’s arts contracting that her Johns Hopkins University master’s thesis was the arts as a vehicle to address issues of social justice as found within perspective communities. She earned two academic fellowships- graduating with distinction as a result of her graduate work. And because the best teachers are forever students, Jesa has additional executive certifications pending from The University of Peace (United Nations) and MIT- Leading Organizations for High-Velocity Performance. Further, she is currently completing her second master’s degree is psychology at Harvard University.

Adjacent to her work as a senior development executive and consultant, Jesa is also a government facilitator for The National Center to Reframe Aging [DC]) and is an advocate for The Epilepsy Foundation. Furthermore, she finds great joy in being a founding board member of the Arts & Culture Advisory Council at Nevada State University where she has served for over 10 years. She also sits on the board of Aspire Public Schools, a K12 charter system founded by Deputy Director Don Shalvey of the Bill Gates Foundation and founder of Netflix, Reed Hastings. She is also a Gov. arts panelist for the city of Phoenix.

Whether advocating for educational equity or championing the arts within the context of social issues or executing fund development initiatives, Jesa has left her mark on government forums as a guest speaker, alongside political leaders, and in symposiums addressing critical issues like climate change. Her recent lightning talk at The Johns Hopkins University's Earth Day 50 celebration exemplifies her ability to inspire and creatively engage with change-makers at all levels of diplomacy.

In closing, Jesa's farm girl heart beats for her family and holds a deep love for animals. An avid traveler (ask her about Iceland or Cambodia), she seeks out new experiences and cherishes moments filled with laughter. Jesa is driven by an unwavering commitment to serve vulnerable populations through the equitable distribution of resources.

Existing initiatives, partnerships, or clients: login here.


All artworks shown are original works and subject to copyright: Jesa Townsend, 2019©

Press clippings & fun bits:




Arts/Community Outreach Leader & Researcher; philanthropic strategy, advocacy, social policy

· Community Outreach, Social Policy & Intervention; Public Arts Advocate; SoCal & NV

· Creative professional with strong knowledge of contemporary art and art history

·      Powerful fundraiser with contacts throughout the art world and non-profits sector

·      Founding member of the Arts & Culture Advisory Council of Nevada State College (Click)

·      Experience creator: Fun, multi-lingual community leader with strong engagement and team-building skills

·      Public speaker - issues addressing art over adversity, the necessity of funding arts education and the arts within the context of social justice and various economic stimulus initiatives. (Click)

To learn about Jesa’s celebrated research: click here.




2022, Alcosta Senior & Community Center, Solo Exhibition

2022, Nevada State College x City of Henderson - Sustainability Council Mural (video coming soon)

2022, Lindsay Dirkx Brown Gallery, Solo Exhibition

2022, City of San Ramon Art Galleries (details coming soon)

2021, Waymakers, Orange County, CA

2021, Pop/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA -The Privatized Art of Equalized Education (1)

2021, Pop/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA -The Art of Equalized Education in Design (2)

2020, City of Santa Clarita Gallery, Group Exhibition ‘ABC’ (coming soon) ‘JUSTICE’

2020, Johns Hopkins University, (TBA) Baltimore, MD -MLA Capstone

2020, Johns Hopkins University Celebrates Earth Day 50- lightning talk, Baltimore, MD -The Arts are a Vehicle to Address Issues of Social Justice (Click)

2020, Pop/American Culture Association National Conference, Philadelphia, PA -The Arts are a Vehicle to Address Issues of Social Justice (2)

2020, Pop/American Culture Association National Conference, Philadelphia, PA -The Privatization of Art (11)

2019, AGLSP conference - Washington, DC -The Arts as a Vehicle to Address Issues of Social Justice

2019, Give Me Life: Roots, Symposium -JHU Changing by Degrees: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change, National Academy of Sciences Auditorium, Washington, DC

2019, Arts District city-wide banner, Santa Ana

2019, Group Exhibition, The Artist at Work Series: Untold Stories An Exhibition Exploring The Artist as Storyteller, Nevada State College x Nevada Humanities - Click Here

2019, Nevada State College 50th year anniversary- Coming Soon*

2018, Anaheim GardenWalk *Anaheim (Disney Way), CA- View Video

2017-18, St. Jude’s Ranch for Children “Stardust” 26x 56ft Boulder City, NV -View Video

2017-2020, City of Los Angeles Department of Culture Contract Award ‘Pre-Qualified Civic Mural/Box Artist’ Los Angeles, CA

2016, Jasper Community Arts: City Art Commission “Secret Garden” 30x 60ft Jasper, IN -View Video

2016, Emergency Arts Small Space Fest Installation- “Ladders” Las Vegas, NV

2015, Nevada State College Inaugural Art Collection, “Wallpaper & Wallflowers” 6x 8ft Henderson, NV

2015, Life is Beautiful, ‘Mural Artist’ 5x 25ft Las Vegas, NV

2014, Iowa City Public Art Commission, “Step Up” 10x 20ft Mercer Park, IA -View Video

2014, Tempe Public Art Commission, Mill Avenue “Color Perspective” 5x 5ft Tempe, AZ -View Video

2013, San Francisco General Hospital Foundation Featured Artist “Heroes & Hearts” 5x 5ft San Francisco, CA -View Video

2012, Salem Public Arts Commission, The Light Box “Migratory Patterns” 6x 5ft Salem, MA


2022, City of San Ramon Art Galleries, Solo Exhibition (details coming soon)

2020, City of Santa Clarita Gallery, Group Exhibition ‘ABC’ (coming soon) ‘JUSTICE’

2020, Johns Hopkins University, Homewood (TBA) Baltimore, MD -Solo Exhibition

2019, Santa Ana Arts District, city-wide banner, Santa Ana, CA

2019 Nevada State College, Untold Stories -The Artist as Storyteller, Henderson, NV

2015, Solo Exhibition, “Brass Feelings” Tucson International Airport, Tucson, AZ -View Video

2015, Group Exhibition, “Year of the Monkey” Mayor’s Gallery, Las Vegas, NV

2015, 5-piece collection for Conrad Chicago Hotel/Hilton, Chicago, IL

2013-2014, Solo Exhibition, ‘Cover Artist’ Downtown Phoenix's Dinning Guide, Tempe, AZ

2012, Solo Exhibition, “Musical Truths” The Grand Wilmington Gallery/Opera House, Wilmington, DE

2012, Solo Exhibition, “Blues Moods” Fire Place Gallery, Mt. Hood, OR

2012, Featured Artist, “Arizona Artists to Watch” Herberger Theater Gallery Phoenix, AZ

2012, Group Exhibition, Youth Orchestras of Fresno “The Painted Violin Project” Fresno, CA

2012, Group Exhibition, “Music Lives” The Burton Barr Central Gallery, Phoenix, AZ

2012, Group Exhibition, Arte Americas Casa De La Cultúra Museum “The Painted Violin” Fresno CA

2012, Arizona Artists Showcase “Lift Every Voice” Civic Space Park, AZ 


2018 & 2020, Johns Hopkins University, MLA Academic Fellowship- Baltimore, MD

2017-2020, City of Los Angeles Department of Culture ‘Pre-Qualified Civic Mural/Box Artist’- Los Angeles, CA

2014-2013, Marilyn Hospice ‘Artist in Residence’- Scottsdale, AZ

2012, Arizona Science Center Artist in Residence “Van Gogh Alive: The Experience”- Phoenix, AZ



Empowering Communities with Public Art Legacy” 18WTJS News, September 23, 2016

Downtown Phoenix Partnership & Community Alliance, “2013-2014 Dining Guide Cover Artist” Downtown Phoenix's Dinning Guide, 2013-2014

“The Accidental Artist, Jesa Shakes up the Art Community”, So Scottsdale Magazine, June 2012

“Artist to Watch, Jesa”, Glacier Magazine V.2, I.1//Winter, 2012 

"Visual Arts: Jesa Townsend, The Advocate// Sept. 2012

1. JesaTownsend.jpg


My current work addresses social salience. My practice involves the study of the symbolism found in revitalization movements and how they often shape social cues and cultural understanding. Challenging the traditional reason for which something exists, I often depict large social gatherings engrossed in behavioral and pointed symbolism. I use inlaying techniques combined with the thick layering of oil, acrylic, resin, and varnish. The effect is a heavily saturated, multi-dimensional, and thickly texturized painting and/or 3D installation.
— Jesa Townsend

More than just art.

The goodness of art. Jesa's narrative. 

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“I believe that the art collections and public works we fund and implement are some of life’s most exponentially important societal and historical narratives. Art communicates past life to the present and present life to future generations –our values, hopes, trials and tribulations. That’s the power of public art and I believe the integral value we, the Nevada State College Arts & Culture Advisory Council, place on our role in communicating the importance of the arts.”

-Jesa Townsend

Artist and Public Arts Advocate, Nevada State College Arts & Culture Advisory Council: Founding Board Member

I believe in the power of community engagement through public art as it has the ability to transform any location into a landmark, destination or cultural hub.
— Jesa Townsend
Artist Jesa Townsend

View Recent Project Videos:

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Recent videos include a 56' x 36ft mural for St. Jude's Ranch for Children.